Thank you for providing us with your contact information and gear sizes for this year.

Below, please use the links to complete your AAU and GEVA/USA Volleyball registrations. As a coach, you will need to register and pass a background check for both institutions.

Please pay for the registrations and background checks, BUT screenshot the payment confirmation and send them to me here. We will reimburse you for the registrations.

Please CLICK HERE to register with AAU.

Please note that you you can create or sign in to your old account and UPDATE it - as you must declare Academy Sports of Long Island as your club.

You MUST use the Academy club code: W3BWE4



Register for GEVA/USA Volleyball HERE

You can create a new account or log in to your old account to renew for this year. Clicking on this link and either creating a new account or signing in to your existing account will automatically assign Academy Sports of Long Island as your club.

You must take the Safesport/Impact training as well as pass a background check.

Though we are doing all AAU tournaments this year, we also use the insurance through GEVA/USA Volleyball.